<aside> 🚨 Reminder: do not place ANY patient care orders in Powerchart before admitting the patient!


  1. Place a new order
  2. Type “admit”
  3. Select “Admit To”


  1. You will be prompted to enter: “GIM-Ward,” your attending, the working diagnosis, if they need tele, and any precautions.

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  1. Powerchart will now begin to give you some alerts, which is expected. Click OK at this dialog box.

    CleanShot 2024-06-22 at 21.14.01@2x.png

    1. Sign the order.

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<aside> ⭐ Conceptually, the patient is now admitted in the system to Medicine (making your staff the new MRP), making a new “encounter” in Powerchart. You now need to “enter” this new encounter you made.


  1. Wait for about 5 seconds.
  2. Click “Location: Emerg Dept”


  1. This dialog box will appear. Initially, the encounter with location “Emerg Dept” (green/bottom arrow) will be selected. You need to select the encounter with “Emerg Admit” and a series of numbers after it. You may need to scroll up to see the new encounter (black arrow). Double click (red/top arrow) to enter that encounter.


  1. The following dialog box will appear. Click “Yes”.

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  1. From here, use the admission orders and enter their home medications!
Question Answer
I need to hold a home medication for a patient I’m admitting. Order the medication as you would when admitting any other patient. Then, go into the orders, and “suspend” the medication. This will ensure it doesn’t get lost on discharge.