Gyne consult (NOT L&D)

G = total number of pregnancies (regardless

T = term (≥ 37 wk 0 days; 37^0) [superscript = how many days)

P = 20^0 - 36^6

A = abortis ≤ 19^6, SA, TA, ectopic (spontaneous abortion, therapeutic abortion, ectopic)

L = subtract, stillbirth, MNND, childhood death

“Viable” = how old the fetus has to be to live away from mom (ex utero); θ = 24 weeks

G P notation

G = total number of pregnancies

Parity = number of fetuses that reached viability


LMP (first day of last menstural period), frequency q28 ± 7 days); (q21-35d), duration 4 ± 2 days

Flow: “how many Δpad/tampon?


↳ ?double up

↳ ?flood through

Dysmennorahea (↑↑ prostaglandin production; Tx = NSAIDs)

Intermenstrual bleeding/post-coital bleeding